Pregnant Is Just An Excuse For Being Fat Poem by Ramona Thompson

Pregnant Is Just An Excuse For Being Fat

I call it like I see it
Always have and always will
No matter how shocking
No matter how crude, rude or loaded with attitude
Take it or leave it
It's just me
It's just the way that I am

Today's topic-Those fattys called pregnant women
Nice double standard we got going here
Whole world over
We pat these lazy broads on their swelled up little ego-manic heads
Cater to their every wish and whim
While those who don't have a kid growing in their beer guts get poked fun at and called names
Tell me, where the heck is the justice in that?

Why let them be so proud and willing to show off all that excess flesh?
Why not cover the grossness up?
Just the same as we would with some other overfed tub of lard
Does it really make any kind of sense at all?
Not to me and I bet if you people were really honest
Upfront and not afraid to voice how you really feel
You'd say it just the same as I am here today

Pregnant is just an excuse for being fat
Clear and as plain as day
There it is
The truth right in your face
May try to deny it
May try to call names and say that this prose is so very without any kind of value at all
You know you really can't because....

It's true
So true
It sickens you
Same as it does me
Not so perfect or pretty women
Using an innocent life as an excuse to be what all along they have always secretly been....

Fat, lazy, and overfed with one too many double cheeseburgers

2009 Ramona Thompson

MuSiC HeaD 08 April 2009

i disagree... but whatever. im sure you had fun writing that.... thats what counts.........

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