Saul's Impassioned Testimony Purposes Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Saul's Impassioned Testimony Purposes

'I too was convinced that I ought
to do all that was possible to oppose
the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

And that is just what I did in Jerusalem.
On the authority of the chief priests
I put many of the saints in prison,

and when they were put to death,
I cast my vote against them.
Many a time I went from one

synagogue to another to have them punished,
and I tried to force them to blaspheme.
In my obsession against them, I even went

to foreign cities to persecute them.' Acts 26: 9-11.

Saul like a Nazi fanatic executing final solution;
in his own private holocaust is zeal determined
to stamp out kill all followers of target perceived;

false messiah according to strict standards;
of Jewish Sanhedrin laws enforced ruthlessly.
Saul was said to be responsible for the deaths;

of 300 early followers of Jesus;
burned alive in their own homes
this fanatic cannot change spots.

Winston Churchill said 'A fanatic is one
who can't change his mind and won't
change the subject'. Yet Saul changes

becomes exemplified all he previously persecuted.

Split imaging from the poem ‘Transformation Inquisition Saul Into Paul Of Tarsus'.
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

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