Taking Advantage Of Every Moment Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Taking Advantage Of Every Moment

Expressing your love in poetry doesn't do it justice, but
I feel the need to do it any way with a constant and heart
felt intensity.

All the days we've been together, writing endlessly of our
love, I've been enjoying it's presence within you, my love.

Always tantalizing and taking me into a state of euphoria
that entices and makes me feel alive.

A vibrant and beautiful energy taking me across the world
and back, so loving and expressive when we're together.

Making love, giving me the beauty of heaven and fireworks
all in one, exploding within us both.

So pleasant and total that it fills me purposely each and
every time we become one.

Not ever wanting to feel the emptiness I know will fill
me when you die and leave me.

Life will then be a deserted and arid existence and I will
wander forever in a state of forlorn sadness and grief.

Not wanting to think of that day, taking advantage of every
moment that we now have.

No arguments or disagreements to stand in the way of our
loving commitment in this life.

Just our unconditional and total love, given to one another
is all I ever want in life, my darling, my heart, my love.

Manonton Dalan 08 December 2015

very truthful and very nice thanks for haring

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