Tea And Scones Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Tea And Scones

I didn't think women made scones
any more.

People still have tea and scones!

Home baking and scones
are memories remembered...

from the earliest childhood years...

when family was primary
and the housewife's role, was esteemed honoured.

What is wrong with being a mother first?
What is wrong with putting your children first?

What is wrong with providing, a loving caring, nurturing home?
What is wrong with giving, an abundance, of love and security?

What is wrong with putting husband, children and home first,
so that family life and family, will be strong and thrive?

A woman of determination and ability will still work.
A woman of determination and ability will still triumph.
She will still achieve, a productive rewarding, successful career.

She may still rise, to the top, dominate any profession her abilities;
dedication, education, personality, management skills; training allow.
Few men, will achieve any better, most will achieve far less.

A man, a true partner, can will, also be a house husband.
A man, can will, also sacrifice, for the career of his partner.
Society, including women, still predominantly, frown on this?

I didn't think women made scones
any more.

People still have tea and scones!

I thought the feminist's philosophy
had driven most women...
forever out of the kitchen and sadly
a few into emulating the worst...

kind of ruthless; misguided
male clone type; exploiting women...
or into brand lesbianism,
forever espousing, rights of women...

forgetting love for fathers
forgetting love for brothers sons...
forgetting a strong family equality practices
strong societies like families safeguard female liberties rights...

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Written in March 2000 on the 12.3.2000.38
Complete version of the poems 'Home Baking And Scones', 'Being A Mother First', 'A Woman Of Determination' and 'Forever Out Of The Kitchen'.
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