The Cowardly Thief Poem by Randy McClave

The Cowardly Thief

A thief will always enter into your house
As quiet as a timid mouse,
You will not even hear a single creak
When into your house a thief will sneak.
As far as you have known
You are in your house all alone,
Inside your house of course no-one else is there
So, of course you have not one worry or care.

A coward always walks very softly
Because they believe they are treated awfully,
They never have anyone's back
They are always running away or hiding from an attack.
You will never hear them walk
They whisper when they talk,
And when help or aid is ever needed
Honestly and truthfully they have already conceded.

A honest man is always proud
He always talks loud,
He is better than no-one and no-one is better than he
To that fact he will always agree.
An honest man can never, ever be a thief
That would bring him only dishonor and grief,
An honest man will walk loudly wherever he goes
But, a coward or a thief will always walk on their tiptoes.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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