The Gulf Sunset In Florida Poem by Gayle M. Sunshine O Maize Water Nora Shoshone Doherty Winchester, story song Glen A, Sweeney +

The Gulf Sunset In Florida

Rating: 5.0

A big red hibiscus sun slowly sank down in the bright pink sky.
and showed a glowing countenance - on the gulf
Purely not disguised.
The pretty sun held four quiet, musical quarter notes in tow
And carried a song to the soft, warm white sand
In a sparkling row.
When at the horizon the dipping sun suddenly disappeared,
Then perhaps a starry night departed far far away from here.
The magnificent shiny blue shore
Was enchantingly entranced
As the water and reflected flamingo rose sky colors danced.
On the shore a sandpiper crossed over the rays's shimmery path
Before the treasured sun immersed itself in the calm, evening bath.
All peace Paix and i was Given Father Joe's Rosary with deep red beads... like tears that florida days seem to be gone by. Father Joe (Father Joseph Henchey Woburn, MA) said when i was a little girl 'you have tears like diamonds'. I have the rosary piece i kept for myself the medal with beads.. a picture of my grandfather and Winnie with a big white bow plunked on the top of her head i thought by her mother Honora O Connor Kelley and i thought maybe she was thinking plunk you are the Queen of Ireland no one can hurt you. Honora died when my grandfather was 6 and a baseball glove he said was his most prized possession. This picture is one of my prized possessions and it was torn up when i got back from one of the illegal lock ups at Mt Auburn Hospital milieu meals not brought to rooms llegal policy same here beverly hospital. I love intelligence. Good work if you can get it. USA USA USA Imagine that. Thank you JIll Compass NAMI. God Bless the USA. Still shining...! ! ! ! ! from sea to shining sea, patriotric songs cant be forbidden that is treason... gayle m honora aberjona sweeney doherty.. Jesus is rounding them up. Jesus told me he is ushering in an era of peace. >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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