The Last Dance Poem by Kelly Chapman

The Last Dance

The last dance
Our first kiss
Your touch is my bliss.
You said I'm beautiful,
That I'm your angel.
If that was true,
How could you put me in so much danger?
My heart is broken.
It may never heal.
How can I move on,
When you're still right here?
Everytime I dream
You're always there
Taunting me with kisses
We know I can never feel.
But I have to wonder,
Do you see me too?
Does it break your heart?
All that you've put me through?
I may never know.
Most things are best
When we leave them left unsaid.
Yet, like you promised,
I did meet someone new.
But sometimes, I still wish that he was you.
Although a special place in my heart he will always hold.
But even there, there is a hole.
The hole you made when you ripped my heart out.
Why does it have to be so bad?
To lose my first love I've ever had.
Rebuilding my heart, my mind and my soul,
It took so long,
and you shatter everything when you say 'Hello'
So why did you hurt me?
I guess I'll never really know.
But know I'll remember
As our song is playing,
The last dance, our first kiss
Your touch...and my bliss.


So good yet so sad but true.. i love the feelings and emotions in this poem great work.... krista

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