The Spice Of The Seasons Poem by Dave Tendell

The Spice Of The Seasons

The colorful activities of awe-inspiring spring soon leap on winter’s obvious realm.
The heavenly spectrum of stunning colors is enough to awaken and overwhelm.
Blooming treasures fragrance as rainy winds often blow.
Like the passing of time, spring must inevitably relinquish and eventually go.

Red hot summer’s intense heat soon blisters like the blaze on an ignited match.
While in irritating agony, nothing seems more soothing than a vigorous poison ivy scratch.
The dehydrated plants and animals limply wilt as they sustain the consequences of a radiant summer’s drought.
Going for a shocking dip is the only refuge when the devastating sun is out.

Autumn’s changing colors blow in like dying leaves falling from a sleepy tree.
The night’s chill gradually sneaks in, at first warranted then cold as can be.
The restless animals prepare for the long winter ahead,
guaranteeing an abundance of winter food and a warm cozy bed.

Winter’s powdery cotton white bitter dampness blankets the sleeping ground.
The almighty sun reflects passionate daylight onto the fallen snow heaping all around.
Like a dazzling diamond, Icicles form a prism scene, an array of shimmering delights.
The soundless snow even brightens the darkest of cold frosty nights.

Like the passing ticks of infinite time, seasons come as fast and ultimately go,
as the matured get older and the youngsters continue to grow.
The cycles of life adapt to the seasons adding to make years
from young and rambunctious to the aged and failing’s last tears.

Dave Tendell - Louisville, KY.

Dave Tendell

Dave Tendell

Louisville, KY.
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