„The Father and I are One".
Jesus proclaims in the holy Bible.
This is the expression of
the perfect union with the Almighty One.
In such a realization,
everything becomes
a potential symbol
making communion
with God possible.
This is the mystery of union.
(3) .Indeed, God and He are ONE. We look upon them, we love according to them, we obey His Commandments, we love constantly in Full Sin, He never did nor outside or within..............................Love to tell about Jesus and His Historical background................As I love Jesus, I love you too, Dr. Tony! You are a saint for me, The Holy Me....T.Q.
(2) ...This Mystery of Union is no Mystery of Union anymore, since He and the Self are involved, EVERYONE knows that con amor, WHY hide that, the more people knows the better and finally the Best. Dr. Tony HE IS THE BEST above us. We look upon HIM as His Father and Only Begotten Son. I am so sorry, I wanna obey you Dr. Tony and tell you that you created such GEM, but without the self is truly a jewel, a true gem......Please read (3)
I DO UNDERSTAND THIS POEM AT THE FULLEST, Dr. TONY...........Thank YOU for sharing this BEAUTY..................... LOVE THEE SO......A perfect 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUCH A BEAUTY.....ow so sorry, must be here still too early, using this button for capitals, really so sorry.......
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Human, the mystery of GOD! God, the mystery of Human!