This Way I Tread Poem by Mohabeer Beeharry

This Way I Tread

This is the way I tread
To find beauty, wisdom and peace
And Him who is all in one.

I live my life in the middle of the crowd,
Rub shoulders with the smooth and the rough
And all the time reminding myself of his presence.

When I am lost, surrounded by darkness
And doubt, I sit quiet
And turn to him in my heart.

Through fog, mist and doubt
Through remote distances within myself,
From beyond the fringes of this fickle mind
Would come a whisper, short and sweet.

Like flashes of lightning
Like a will-o' the wisp flits across the areas of my heart
In its wake leavingpeace:
Ask and you will be given.

Who says that God does not answer prayers?
Many a time I have heard this whisper
Tailoring my needs and my questions
To the smoothest answer.

I give him my choice,
He is the chooser.
I give him my actions and reactions,
He is the doer, the enjoyer and the giver of fruits.
And I learn to let his will command me.

And when I am going out,
I not only tell him
But also take him with me and share my little joys with him.

He knows everything long before you tell him
For he it is who is always planning it all.
He may help you grow luscious fruits in your garden
Tend and reap

But not to deprive you of any, he would touch none,
Unless you offer him.
They are yours not his.
He is love.
He is the Creator.

Still, now and then when his love for you overwhelms him
And you are responsive
He asks to share your fruits and cookies
I was once blessed ..

I rarely eat without offering the food to him first
Or go somewhere without taking him with me,
And thank him when I am back home with my wife.

Let your life be an open book.
Do not hide anything from him.
Know that he knows everything.

Pride is our worse enemy.
If we hurt him and he leaves
It will be a long time before he comes back again,
And a great deal of crying.
I know this...
In this way I swear you will not regret that you have lived,
And fear nothing.

Stay with God,
Live with God.
Live your life, but do not leave him out.
Let him be part of you and your active life.

His joy is to be with you.
You will be surprised of the miracles that happen in your life.
He dearly wants you to be close to him,
He dearly wants to be close to you,

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
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