Three Seasons Poem by Daniel Brick

Three Seasons

Rating: 5.0

To Roseann Shawiak, for Radiance of Her Poems

How the Soul
when the season of the Soul

How the Heart
during the season
of the Heart.

How the Mind
in the season
of the Mind.

How a human being
when Soul, Heart and Mind
shine forth
in their seasons of

Thursday, January 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: dedication,gratitude
Cigeng Zhang 23 January 2017

A nice poem dedicated to a fellow poet. I can see the poet is the flower of the seasons with the unfolding beauty.

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Nika Mcguin 20 January 2017

Indeed there's nothing like feeling fulfilled. It's both akin to happiness and breeds happiness. Without it our lives can feel very stagnant. There are so many people who are out of season today, maybe they need to read this poem and get attuned to the seasons of their heart, mind, and soul!

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Roseann Shawiak 19 January 2017

Daniel, I am definitely pleased with this heartfelt poem, thank you so very much, my friend! You have paid homage to my interior life so beautifully, touching it delicately with your poetical intellect, I totally appreciate having you in my life, Daniel - you have been a constant inspiration to me with your comments on my poetry and living. May God continue to bless you. RoseAnn

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Nosheen Irfan 19 January 2017

So beautiful. Yes, when our soul, heart and mind are on an equal plane, that's when we achieve fulfillment. Internal seasons of man are just as important as external seasons of this life. We must pay attention to them. A lovely write. A10.

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Daniel Brick 19 January 2017

Thanks, Nosheen, you must have read this poem just moments after I posted it! ! Do you know the poems of Roseann Shawiak? She has a very distinctive style of writing in a prose poem format, And her abiding theme, her passionate commitment, her eloquent advocacy is for the Interior Life from which all our poems arise. And poems pour out of her Interior Life because it is so rich in feeling and love and truth.

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