Understanding Your Not Here Poem by NaNa Nana

Understanding Your Not Here

Rating: 5.0

I continue to miss you. I try making my self believe and understand you have made it to a better place but it's not working. All these questions pop up with no answers. Which leave me in doubt and soon I havent figured anything out. I am back where I started, not being able to move at least one step foward. How hard is it to understand your not here anymore. How hard is to understand your smiles, your voice, your love has vanished. How hard is it to keep living, knowing everyday i wake up, you will not be there. How hard is it to understand My graduation, children, and home will not share a moment with you. How hard is it to get over you!

Sadiqullah Khan 17 June 2008

there is a smooth flow of style here like al other work by you, , keep going

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Malini Kadir 14 June 2008

I can feel with you............life is oft so difficult to digest

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Howard Johnson 07 April 2008

A painful blunt ending, Enjoyed reading it, thank you for sharing, Nana

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Bonnie Collins 10 January 2008

Very good poem, you can all most feel the pain with your expressions, very good... Bonnie Collins

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Aldo Kraas 10 January 2008

You expressed your feelings Very well in this poem

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