Unwanted Recollections For J.T Ellison Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Unwanted Recollections For J.T Ellison

Rating: 5.0

I slept and in my dreaming wept
for promises I made: Unkept
The promises I did not keep
return to haunt me in my sleep.

Sometimes prevailing circumstance
had meant that I had little chance.
To do what I said I would do,
at other times it’s sad but true.

Some promises I made were not meant.
I knew that I had no intent
of doing what I had promised.
There seems to be an endless list.

The guilt I feel is real and deep.
My conscience will not let me sleep.
All of the things I should have done
but did not do each single one

Returns at night to punish me.
I must admit deservedly.
Sins from the past I now regret.
I only wish I could forget.

But I cannot although I try
Because I acted wrongfully
I understand the reason why.
My guilty conscience bothers me.


http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

Thad Wilk 06 October 2008

Nice poem Ivor! On those unwanted recollections we can depend It always seems that 'in our dreams' They come back and haunt us - once again! Best wishes! *10*! ! ! Friend Thad

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Sathyanarayana M V S 06 October 2008

Surprisingly today I had similar thoughts while driving back from office. Ths is a great poem, can be related to any conscientious person. Great wisdom.10

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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