What Can I Be Poem by Samuel Richard Leonard

What Can I Be

Rating: 5.0

I want to be the kind of guy who takes walks early in the morning, before the sky envelopes the sun lifting the dew in wisps to dissipate or tangle up in clouds of cotton. I want to be someone who pays more than a thought to fleeting opportunities of good deeds. I want to be rich so I can always tip 50%. I want to be taller so I can reach the sugar atop the shelf for my lover. I want to be a man whose eyes never wander, who only sits still when the world sleeps, who is eager to wake up each day, and goes to bed on time. I want to feel fulfilled, from the steps i've stepped to the sleep i've slept but oh,

I am the kind of guy to sleep through the AM. I avert my eyes from good deeds so they may continue to wander for lust. Dust gathers atop my shelves where sweets turn sour. I am the eye of a hurricane in this world reluctant to stir when birds call my name. I tread through hours of the moon and unto the early sun before collapsing into bed, empty as my day, reluctant all the same.

I am rich in thought, and I thought by now i'd've done a lot... I guess not.
- Samuel Richard Leonard

Monday, May 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,honest,hope,hopelessness,introspection,laziness
Jazib Kamalvi 19 May 2019

A refined poetic imagination, Samuel Richard Leonard. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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