What Kid's Wanted Poem by Randy McClave

What Kid's Wanted

If kids knew what they wanted to be as a preteen
Then now many would have already become a king or a queen,
And if they knew what they wanted to be at that age
Maybe now they would had been a fire breathing dragon in a cage.
If they knew what they wanted to be at eight
Then they would had already chosen their teddy as their mate,
And if they knew what they wanted to be at nine
Maybe they would now be a panda bear in a sacred shrine.
Maybe they would had been a cowgirl or a cowboy
Or maybe even a character from their favorite bedtime story,
Who knows maybe they would had wanted to be race-cars
Or even aliens from the planet Mars.
Maybe if they had become the desires that they had sought
Maybe then they would had grown up into a giant robot,
Or maybe they would grow into a crazy and/or a mad scientist
Maybe that would had been on their childhood checklist.
Maybe they wanted to fly, run fast and become a super hero
Or maybe they wanted to be a giant or a dream that weighs zero,
Thank God that no one took any of those children seriously
And none were scheduled for an eye removal and peg leg surgery.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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