'Where Have All The Children Gone? ' Poem by Linda Winchell

'Where Have All The Children Gone? '

Rating: 5.0

** I Saw this on the news today. How sad!

Families now having such financial problems
Where they seem forced to give their children away.
Not enough money to feed them it seems
Because they have too many bills made now to pay.

Strangers with better finances
Now raising someone else’s kids.
It’s sad to think our world has come to this
Living much higher than as what we did.

Who best is there to love them?
Than loving parents… of two?
Instead of handing over those precious lives
Over for strangers now to do.

“Raise them up in the ways of the world”
And they will lose what God has given.
For two loving God fearing parents to do
Of those children our God has given.

By: Linda Winchell
Copyright: 2009

T McH 15 June 2009

A truth tear-jerkingly expressed. Madonna springs to mind of course. A universal phenonenon it seems that in modern capitalist culture money is more important than love. t x

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Carol Gall 14 June 2009

excellent you have shown the truth 10

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This is about as surreal as a deflation can get(or is it?) ....Tomorrow, down on Wall Street, the opening bell will sound...yet the day will not be spent thinking 'bout children displaced, and hollow-hearted parents...Sad bells for that....young lass, and kudo's for a fine piece of quilling, indeed! FjR

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Autumn Stoddard 14 June 2009

This is an eye opening poem. The poem itself is thought provoking. I didn't see this on the news yet. Has this become common?

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Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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