Which Way Out? Poem by James Walter Orr

Which Way Out?

How shall I go when I do go?
To take me hence is very hard,
Along that bitter trail of tears,
Beset with pain, all burnt and charred.

I’ll fling the demons all aside,
Although I know it's no mean feat!
I’ll tell them heaven’s far too tame,
And hell possesses too much heat.

I’ll fasten me to mountain tops,
With thunder's bolt and lightning's flash.
I’ll lay about me with my torch,
Till all of hell burns down to ash.

I'll look straight into Satan's eyes;
Stroke my Guardian Angel's wing;
Decline to visit Satan's hell;
I’ve heard a host of angels sing!

A one-armed man can’t help them stoke
The furnaces of fiery hell.
One arm stays locked around my love,
Secured against a forced farewell.

The angels will not learn to live
And face the thought of my abuse.
Since I shan't stoke the flames of hell,
In self defense they'll turn me loose!

Jenna Thomas 16 September 2009

I don't think tomorrow is written. Since you write so lovely, I'm sure you can come up with a better ending for yourself. Thank you for sharing.

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James Walter Orr

James Walter Orr

Amarillo, Texas, U.S.A.
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