Blind Poem by Harry Kemp


Rating: 3.9

The Spring blew trumpets of color;
Her Green sang in my brain --
I heard a blind man groping
"Tap -- tap" with his cane;

I pitied him in his blindness;
But can I boast, "I see"?
Perhaps there walks a spirit
Close by, who pities me, --

A spirit who hears me tapping
The five-sensed cane of mind
Amid such unguessed glories --
That I am worse than blind.

Babatunde Aremu 15 January 2015

Wonderful! This is simply classics. Truly, we unaware of spirits around us,

4 3 Reply
Jayatissa K. Liyanage 15 January 2015

Never to feel proud about what one possesses over another; for, spiritual strength of the handicapped can be superior. This is the lesson poet attempts to teach us. Wonderful write, enriched with a matching rhythm. Well done, Sir!

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Paul Reed 15 January 2015

Humility expressed with great rhythm

3 3 Reply
Alistair Graham 15 January 2014

Blind Man’s Bluff Bust for inequality Framed and hung in poverty Subject to authority Citizen no more New world probability Pact agreed society Can-do possibility Fore the days of yore

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Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 15 January 2015

Great expression of human mind and it is great.

1 4 Reply

Great revelation. Nice poem. Top score

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Kumarmani Mahakul 07 August 2024

A spirit who hears me tapping The five-sensed cane of mind Amid such unguessed glories -- That I am worse than blind.......most touching concluding. Beautiful poem. Five stars.

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Darko X 28 March 2017

Mr. Kemp once offered in a newspaper ad to exchange poems for lodging. That was a real tap of the cane!

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Pranab K Chakraborty 16 January 2015

Perhaps there walks a spirit Close by, who pities me, - ....................................Excellent catch.

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John Richter 15 January 2015

Awesome! I am now a fan of the formerly unfamiliar Mr. Kemp! How often do we look down upon others when in the end there are so many who can look down upon we? This man is a genius poet - and now on my list.

3 4 Reply
Harry Kemp

Harry Kemp

Youngstown, Ohio
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