TD. Kumar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Forever Homeless, Alien And A Refugee

Forever homeless, alien and a refugee
This is a strong feeling always haunting me
Nothing binds me for long and stops me from being a vagabond
What calls me yet always eludes me?

No Matter Never Mind!

No matter never mind!
And age -old confusion of difficult kind
Whether the world is made of matter or is mental - spiritual?
Or it is both, matter as well as mind.

Righteous Is Not Right

Righteous is not right
'Holier than thou' is not a holy sight
I am right you are not, is the core of righteousness
It has generated conflict wars and culture's bloody dark night.


Today is the first day
Today is the last day
A paradox?
But a truth blooms, in every search 'Today'!

The Truth Of Fiction And Mythology

It said that everything is true in fiction (or mythology) except name and date
And everything is false in documented history except name and date!
there is truth meaning and value, though concealed in mythology or poetry or even a novel
This means we have to synergize factual science and poetry and metaphysical and mystic state.

‘maitri' And Gratitude -Unconditional

True excellence is unconditional.
And this, in our core is natural
"If you have not learnt much, be grateful that you have learnt at least little
If not, thank yourself that you didn't for sick, physical or mental".

Power- Black Or White

Power is black or white
As inside you are dark or bright
In itself Power is neutral, a scalar vitality and energy
The' Will to live and survive', 'libido' and 'elanvital'

Spectator Vs. Player

A spectator, journalist or observer
As oppose to Actor and Player
Committed, involved but not attached or addicted
We have to watch these three modes; spectator, player and attached doer.

Power Of Beliefs

Beliefs are powerful
Whether as cage or a pair of wings
Binding you with strong and unseen strings
Or a rock of commitment and values soulful

Count Yours Mistakes

Count yours mistakes….. They are as many blessings!
Most of us are victims of countless errors and failings
They could be valued lessons
Though mistakes first appear like painful falling!

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