Ted Sheridan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Forever Joined Together At The Hip

nine minutes and thirty seven seconds
was the time it took for her to fire up her temper and car
while deciding how she was going to end her life or his
the sex had been good for a while but not good enough


The niceties of life are primarily to be found
in one's close friendships and long term love relationships
and not in the tumultuous unquiet examinations of self
For self examination..... however required or desired

Beyond The Power Of Your Prayers

I am beyond the help of prayer...I am in the abyss of a double life
One which I brought upon myself and another Fate has dealt me
I was preyed upon and cast into the belly of the Beast
Its lies and deceit washed me in a digestive saliva

I received a brochure the other day
On the front cover it read...in big bold black print
'Death Benefits'
Not in the least curious as to what they were

Phil Bart Kills Me

He was a left handed lying liberal
Who wore his watch on his right wrist
Opposite of the norm
He was also an ambidextrous liar

The Brain Weevil

I have a cancer growing on my head
I found it there one day
When alerted by a slight but constant itch
I scratched the surface off of it

We Will All Be Good Niggers

We will all be good niggers.....to the chaos in the world
just as long as we believe that taxing the rich
will clothe and feed the poor___
or by aborting an unwanted fetus

Liberal Blogger

Quite mad.....
he is like a dog that never barks
his voice is silent yet he always underlines
each of his many shouted words

Ambidextrous Bullshit Artist

Gorilla Survival Tactics are required
in a world where the left battles the right
and the right excommunicates the left
while the center eats its own.....


He is obsessive if not compulsive too...
He can't sleep because he has to clean his sheets
As he dirties them with just the slightest nap...
Compelled by voices unheard by you and me

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