The Extraordinary Kindness Of An Oyster

She is lying hidden
Inside a pear-shaped shell
A rough, rock-hard outside
So porcelain white inside
A safe haven
For a delicate life.

Out of the blue
In the Pacific Ocean
So blue

Her Beautifulness.

There's an empty cottage
at the end of this lane
Jane said

and there's a large apple tree
in the garden
and no one goes there

so maybe we can look
through the windows

An Old Man

Looking upon this tree with its quaint pretension
Of holding the earth, a leveret, in its claws,
Or marking the texture of its living bark,
A grey sea wrinkled by the winds of years,
I understand whence this man's body comes,
In veins and fibres, the bare boughs of bone,
The trellised thicket, where the heart, that robin,
Greets with a song the seasons of the blood.

But where in meadow or mountain shall I match

The Truth Comes From God

God is truth; soul is truth you feel dear,
Rest of the things we see here in this world,
These are matters, these change their forms,
We see illusion captures mind very easily.

Truth never changes in the past or present,
In future also truth remains same we know,
God's wisdom is definitely truly greatest,
He is fortunate ever who keeps trust in God.

I Don'T Deserve You

I don’t deserve your stunning smile
Or your twinkling eyes
So guess I’ll wait a while
The one thing I despise

I don’t deserve the words you speak
The warmness of your voice
The way you make my knees go weak
Do I really have a choice?

Winter Is Coming Slowly

Little, little cold is arriving
With wings of coldness and snow
This will cover our minds sure
Pure heart will need warmness

Wisdom of God season brings dear
You visit the light in life sure
Purity is sparking of life glows
That we feel coldness needs warm.

Your Eyes

When I look into your eyes
I feel like I dove
Into the deepest point on Earth
Where I found the greatest treasures
And amazing wonders
That only your love could give.

When I look into your eyes
I see a fountain spring
Of a true and great love


There are many roads we face in this thing called life,
some take us to heights unparalleled,
Some are filled with precious stones, pebbles, that leave a bright glimmer like the sun,
Others lead us back around to our favorite places we've passed,
One of my favorite roads takes me past your smile and a warm welcome,
Next to the wells that nurishes the plants that grow well,
to become trees. That soar high to over look the heights of growing,
A glorious feat, as all trees aren't fortuate to grow as tall,

Womanhood Green Motherhood

Getting greatest bless is fortune,
Nature has got this as mercy of God,
Both womanhood and motherhood unite,
A scene of perfect nourishment we feel,
Nature's womanhood has great value,
Beauty of beauty is fathomless,
God has sprinkled all values here,
A great woman is a great mother.

For all souls performing drama here

#1 (From, Picture Poems 7)

Wading rivers
reflecting mountaintops

night songs
with warmness
of breeze

expectants of

Lovely Grand Daughter

Lovely grand daughter

I called my daughter by good name
She was with round face to claim
I shall always call her "Goti "
She looked so pretty

Look at her
She is my grand daughter
Very clear

Under This Shed

Under this shed of tree in this winter,
Grey soil dreams more in beauty veil,
Big mountains dream under this shed,
Shed of this tree is dreamy in weather.

Below mountains in this beautiful valley,
This cute town tells us about workshop,
Mountains are roofed by the leaves of tree,
Sky is clear for new vision to write more.

Meet Father Meet

This is truly a precious hour,
By his touch blooms flower.
Tower touches peak rays sing,
Stars shine with forming a ring.

With love eagerly father comes,
Each leaf soon green becomes.
Trees give fruits with love to all,
In service, on ground they do fall.

Replacing Spring Summer Is Coming

In this seasonal cycle of life and love,
Seasons flow with interesting cycle,
Spring proves existence, summer smiles,
Replacing spring summer is coming.

Due to effect of summer warmness shines,
Sun is reflecting powerful light rays to us,
Earth's surface is becoming hot and dry,
This is difficult to walk in road in bare feet.

Love In Palm

Oh Star! Where are you?
Sun is glazing
I am waiting below sky
I have opened my palm
To catch memory I wish
You fall, fall and fall
Fall down from far.

You fall soon with reflection
That I want to catch to shine

Restarting Wisdom

Starting wisdom since eternity,
Soul travels up to Earth in light,
With hope and vision he comes,
Soon he incarnates in a body.

Life faces death at last naturally,
Soul cries forgetting own identity,
He thinks himself as a material body,
But truly he is conscious energy.

God's Greatest Arm

Light is power, light is might,
God is most powerful light,
His mighty arm is also light,
His grace we feel and adore,
We realize point of energy.

God's greatest arm holds us,
He fondles and dandles in love,
Warmness and beauty we feel,
God's greatness is wisdom,

Hope Of Light

Light has a hope to gain
Shyness but in tenderness,
Light has a hope to give
Wisdom but under God's arm,
Light has a breath to give
But under warmness of sun,
Light has a broader hope.

We have to feel tender joy,
We have to lead certainly,

Yes Dear Tell Him The Truth

Dear Divine Soul, God is light and might,
God is all in all, he is father he is creator.
We may refer him in many names as we like,
But he is point of light but ocean within.

Kindly transfer this message to your friend,
Every soul has right to get God's message,
God has commanded us to be part of mission,
His vision carries beauty of paradise certainly.

*915 Always And Forever - Pantoum

I feel the warmness of your smile
I hear the music of your voice
I love your oh so witty style
Your presence makes my heart rejoice.

I hear the music of your voice
You always know just what to say
Your presence makes my heart rejoice
Please with me - always will you stay?