The Truth Comes From God Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

The Truth Comes From God

Rating: 5.0

God is truth; soul is truth you feel dear,
Rest of the things we see here in this world,
These are matters, these change their forms,
We see illusion captures mind very easily.

Truth never changes in the past or present,
In future also truth remains same we know,
God's wisdom is definitely truly greatest,
He is fortunate ever who keeps trust in God.

For example we can take fire's existence,
Fire is the same in the past, present and future,
Fire is there inside water, inside cloud and air,
Inside water this is in form of electric current.

Inside cloud this in form of lightening we see,
Inside air fire remains as warmness in breeze,
In human belly fire is there that initiates hunger,
In form of hydrochloric-acid fire is within body.

Form changes and illusion impacts creatures,
But truth never changes and ever remains same,
Illusion can never win truth at all or break this,
Beauty of life is motivational basing on truth.

Friction of two pieces of wood gives rise to fire,
Friction of cloud, friction of water streams,
Friction of anything sparks fire that we see,
Amazing truth gives proof in his nice creation.

God at right time showing his mercy to humanity,
He comes and teaches values of his true wisdom,
Being attentive and keeping trust on him to learn,
We really acquire peace and bliss by his grace.

Dear poet, you feel your deep core of self in love,
Then only you will realize that you are a soul.
Such realization will allow you to remember God,
Your waves of thought will be connected to him.

His vibrations of grace are continuously falling,
Positive and pure vibrations of thought catch these,
Beauty of life can be nourished by spiritual values,
Every truth that comes from God strengthens life.

© Kumarmani Mahakul,20 November 2017. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: answers,god,questions,spiritual,truth
Through a comment to my previous poem titled, "We have travelled to Capital, " (on date 11/4/2017 2: 05: 00 PM) The Poet Poet from Australia has asked a combined question of few questions and this poem is a poem of answer series of poems to the poet. Perhaps, "The Poet Poet, " is pen name of the poet. This poem is answer number: eight (8) to the poet. The exact copy of his comment is given here for reference. You can also read the answer number one poem titled, "Dear Poet the Poet, " answer number two poem titled, "Who Where and Why God is, " answer number three poem titled, "If So When He Comes, " answer number four poem titled, "Where and How God Comes, " answer number five poem titled, "As Per Action Soul Incarnates, " answer number six poem titled, "Dear Port, Dear Divine Soul, " answer number seven poem titled, "Yes Dear Tell Him The Truth." This poem is written in Sambalpur, Odisha, India by mercy of God on this date of 17 November 2017 and dedicated to the people of the world.

Comments about We Have Travelled To Capital by Kumarmani Mahakul
The Poet Poet (11/4/2017 2: 05: 00 PM)
Note: Sir I have only one question for you since you are so godly a person The other day I met a guy who asked me to find out from you..will he be ever be able to see God... if so when where and how
Please let me know so that your knowledge I may upon him may bestow and tell him the truth of who where and why GOD is, the truth coming only from you.
Me Poet Yeps Poet 20 November 2017

I just came by perchance... I thought you were angry at my outspokenness. Kindly excuse me Sir you are a Godly man. I wish to be showered by your blessings. May God show me the path to the Capital of his HEADQUARTERS- - where- in I may lay prostrate...for the rest of my life..... MY REGARDS...You are extraordinarily GIFTED- - - I salute you Sir!

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Michael Walker 20 November 2017

Very much a religious, devotional poem in praise of God-like a hymn. 'You are a soul', which you can feel 'in your deep core of love'. To me, this is no simple matter, as I am more obviously a body. I struggle with loving others, although I try.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 21 November 2017

I admire your serious deeds and you handle every question with great importance. You are not only who gets so many gifts from God, but you are also a warm hearted poet and regard every question as very serious. Thank you for this great share, Sir! This deserves more than a has become a 10 with a Golden Pen. God´s Blessings for YOU in Abundance.

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Hazel Durham 20 November 2017

Stunning write, a shallow world can become a loving world with the truth of God's love and compassion, truth is our right to freedom and peace, our right to live happily!

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 20 November 2017

Kumarmani ji, this is an excellent poem in which you have beautifully answered and clarified the questions put by a poet. Dear poet, you feel your deep core of self in love, Then only you will realize that you are a soul. Such realization will allow you to remember God, Your waves of thought will be connected to him. To realise the pure consciousness, one has to delve deep into the core of the heart. You write wonderful poems on spirituality. A full vote Kumarmaniji.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 19 July 2019

A Grand poem, thank you for sharing! ! ! I have added it to My Poem List.

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 15 January 2019

nice one... all the answers lie in truth....10 the truth shall never be hidden its answer lie within we have not seen the power but it comes from heaven

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Sylvia Frances Chan 15 January 2018

I have come to here again, Sir to let hear my WOW once again for this Amazing poem about the TRUTH that comes from God. You are true exceptional in worshipping the Lord, our universal God. Most amazing words of praise. Blessed art thou who showeth talents and gifts that God hath given unto thee, amen Sir. Respectfully yours, Sulvia Frances Chan, Dutch Poetess

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Chris Embrick 28 November 2017

Spirit communicates with spirit. The antagonistic spirit creates a stronghold not acknowledging God even if He speaks. Some many of our great scientists of the past were Christians or believed in God. God grants wisdom to those who ask. Another great insight into the truth. Thank you dear friend and poet. 10++++++++

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Mihaela Pirjol 22 November 2017

''Form changes and illusion impacts creatures, But truth never changes and ever remains same, Illusion can never win truth at all or break this, Beauty of life is motivational basing on truth.'' - how great this stanza is, and the poem in its entirety!

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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