Lalit Kaira

Lalit Kaira Poems

The silence rules me these days
For someone has stolen my words
my laughs
my screams

Gokul Mathura and Barsana
than Dwarika and the whole universe
at the end
O matchless beauty!

मेरी कविता मेरी ग़जल से निकल के
आगोश में आजा हवा सी मचल के
जो गुजरा है तेरी बांहों में एक पल
वो इक पल साथ देगा दिन अजल के

अजब आलम है जीना औ' मरना एक जैसा है
मोहब्बत को समझना ना समझना एक जैसा है

तबस्सुम पर मेरे कोई कहानी ना बना लेना

Can you perish your need
For flesh and blood and heed
No love for paradise? Lust
O'hear only is the mover of the wheel

रक्तिम गुलाब की दो पंखुड़ियाँ
एक होकर
गालो पर दस्तखत कर गयी

खिलोनों के लिए, भाई से लड़ना याद आता है
बिना दीवार वाला घर का अंगना याद आता है

छुपाती है मेरी बीवी बचत चावल के डिब्बे में

I miss you in me
(I was born like Irom
Alas! I could not live like her.)

बादलों का चांद पर पहरा हुआ है
रात का रंग आज कुछ गहरा हुआ है

द्वार पर ठिठके हुए हैं नींद के पद

आज साँझ
जब क्षितिज पर
कपासी बादलों को
टुकड़े टुकड़े होकर

प्यास मुझे अब गाली है
मेरा सागर खाली है
प्यार कहाँ और धोखा क्या
दुनियाँ देखी भाली है

सड़क पर बुलबुले उठाती
बारिश की बूँदे
छपछपाते अनगिनत पैर

मुस्काते मिल जाते हैं
गम खाते मिल जाते हैं
खुशियाँ दुःख के ठेलों पे
तुलवाते मिल जाते हैं

छौने सी उछलती
नन्ही चुलबुली लड़की
उसकी कुलांचे देखकर लगता है
कि ये ब्रह्माण्ड,

आज मेरे प्यार को
महकती बयार को
खुशनुमा बहार को
कौन लूटने चला

मैं नही जानता दर्शन क्या है
मुझमे जिजिविषा है
मै कठोर ह्रदय वाला हूँ

तेरा घर आबाद रहे
कातिल जिंदाबाद रहे
चाहे चल दे ठुकरा कर
याद से दिल ये शाद रहे

अपनी गीली लटों को
काँधे पर बिखेरे
बारिश की फुहारों में
भीगे पेड़,

A river bank I'm
Evergreen lover of her
I'm destined to wait forever
with restless and

Whenever I think of you
Lady of mine as I dreamt
Let me tell you
I think of Egyptian Charm

Lalit Kaira Biography

About Lalit Kaira: - Born in hills of kumoun as an illfated one to wander in this world to seek something. what? ? ? ? ? ? don't know..... There are no many things about my life when I awoke and tried to find something I found myself ignorant even about myself. No specific conclusion is drawn and running for something. Lastly this man, Lalit Kaira is still in quest of himself so knows nothing now to describe himself except he loves mountains, rivers, bugyals(grasslands) , pain, what he has lost and Hamlet. Rest when I found the answers. Course of life: - Born to Mr Tara Singh And Mrs Tara Devi in april 1985 and by a ritual named Lal Singh later the mother changed it as Lalit Kaira. I was educated in a primary village school where I learnt how to bunk class to taste KILMODA & HISALU (kinds of wild fruits of some shrubs) . Not only the taste the colour of those juicy plumps fascinated me but made me brave also and I didn't think about the furious and haunting stick of our GURUJI(The teacher) . As a student I did nothing that could strike your attention since I was busy in wandering in meadows and dense forests, kissing fresh morning breeze and freshening cool evening streams and spent my days in the moonlit light near Gagaas (A local river) and days in a garden where I could also devour mangoes and pears. I enjoyed a lot and my heart was full of emotions and strange sentiments brimming over and I was panic to express myself because no one was there to listen me patiently then I turned to paper and really I found paper is more patient than human being...... contd.....)

The Best Poem Of Lalit Kaira

Now A Days

The silence rules me these days
For someone has stolen my words
my laughs
my screams
my zeal to live
and my dreams
made me cry in long boring day
and haunted nights
My love is a sin and my poems are
for Someone has stolen my words.

I'm lost
I've died
I'm wrong
As a culprit
As a dead song
Nobody sings
Nobody plays
Nobody even wishes to hear
I've neither love nor hatred nor fear
Nor a wish to be heard
For Someone has stolen my words.

Lalit Kaira Comments

Rajnish Manga 04 November 2017

Today, I chanced upon a poem by Lalit Kaira and was extremely impressed by the depth of his expression. Then I moved on to a couple of other poems written by this gifted poet. I can say that It was a wonderful experience reading his outstanding poetry. He writes exceedingly well in Hindi as well as in English. I wish him all the very best.

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