Lyudmila Purgina Poems

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A.Blok, We Were Meeting With You... - Translation (Rus.)

We were meeting with you at a sunset,
You were cleaving with paddle a stream.
I've loved you in pure white dress that,
While did lose the subtlety of dream.


There halls turned to darkness and pallor,
And a window lattice - to black.
The vassals whispered silently at doors:
'Our Queen, Queen got the illness day back'.

A.Blok, He Once Appeared On Dances... - Translation (Rus.)

He once appeared on dances,
In brilliant closed society.
There ominously blinked the fires,
His look drawed the arches around.

A.Blok, I'Ve Gone To Night... - Translation (Rus.)

I've gone to night - to learn, to know
The far-side rustle, near grumble,
And to accept the Non-existing souls.
And to believe into imaginary clatter.


I was merging to ocean of clover,
I was rounded with fairy bees.
But the wind, blowing out from north, though
Has disclosed the heart childish.


I rove within the monastery walls -
A novice, who's mind is so sad and cold.
The pale dawn's enlightening all over, -
I follow the flakes of snowfall.


I dreamed of the joyous thought one night.
I dreamed, that I was not alone...
At dawn was awakened by a noise light
And crash of the moving ice floes.


I shan't come towards any people,
Who're scared with gossip or praise.
I'll answer Your's only inquiry
About my silence till day.


I like to visit the holy churches,
With inner humbleness in soul,
To enter a gloomy foggy chorus,
To vanish in the singing throng.

A.Blok, At The Open Doors... - Translation (Rus.)

At the open doors - something's glimmering,
Outdoors, behind windows - images.
I don't know - ingnorance dissembling,
While asleep - I'll flow in visions.

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