A Bad/Good Poet? ? Poem by kanav justa

A Bad/Good Poet? ?

Rating: 4.5

A bad poet’s
brilliant poetic expertise
entices others to tread on the dire course

Monday, December 23, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: poets
Nida Aslam 23 December 2013

And a good poet's wisdom of thoughts speaks louder than any expertise

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Brian Johnston 26 April 2014

Maybe it is simply a case of beauty lying in the eye of the beholder? Maybe it is like trying to compare a Renoir portrait of a child to a Tesla? On the page where I am viewing your poem kanev there is a (sad in my mind) picture of a body builder who has spent countless hours tuning his self image into what seems to me to be almost a caricature of what it means to be human. Still I know some who would find this picture beautiful and care little if the man dies early from steroid use or lacks the ability to form meaningful relationships for example. I agree with Bri Edwards that you should 'throw an s on the end of entice here' though I guess you could have left it off in an attempt to be humble, like in Chinese art where the artists sometime introduce imperfections deliberately into their work in an attempt to deter the wrath of the Gods for coming too close to perfection in this 'plane.' Still, as a prisoner of what, I at least imagine, God's love to be (we share a glass of wine fairly regularly) , let me assure you that God's love is big enough to forgive the 's' your poem is begging for. Being excessively humble can be pretentious too! Ha! My thanks to another young poet, Yash Shinde, the self proclaimed 'Apprentice Poet' (now there's humility for you and aren't we all really Apprentice Poets?) for asking me to check out your site. : -) My take on your wonderfully simple but deeply revealing poem is simply this, we are all bad poet's, (always mere Apprentice Poets) and yet our 'brilliant poetic expertise' whether it be a fascination with human emotion, or sound, or rhythm, or imagery......., we all 'entice others to tread on the dire course' and that is as it should be. For me the 'direness' of this course is simply the inherent risk of being so open with others about your own deepest feelings. I sat on my own poems for almost 40 years before letting go of my fear of the judgement. I applaud all the poets here, who perhaps more courageous than I (even if they don't fully appreciate the risk that they are taking) , share their hearts and soul in the sometimes shark infested waters of PoemHunter and the world at large. Aren't you glad that I didn't comment one of your longer poems? Ha! Live long and prosper Dear Poet!

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Bri Edwards 03 January 2014

kanav, ARE YOU TALKIN' ABOUT ME? ? ? I'D throw an s on the end of entice here. dire course? is all poetry a dire course, or just the course set by a bad poet? ? dire dir/ adjective adjective: dire; comparative adjective: direr; superlative adjective: direst 1. (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent. dire consequences synonyms: terrible, dreadful, appalling, frightful, awful, atrocious, grim, alarming; More grave, serious, disastrous, calamitous, ruinous, hopeless, irretrievable, wretched, desperate, parlous; formalgrievous the dire economic situation urgent, desperate, pressing, crying, sore, grave, serious, extreme, acute, drastic he was in dire need of help (of a warning or threat) presaging disaster. dire warnings about breathing the fumes synonyms: ominous, gloomy, grim, dismal, unpropitious, inauspicious, unfavorable, pessimistic More dire warnings of fuel shortages Origin I KNOW MOST OF MY POEMS (OR ALL) are not extremely urgent or serious! ! ! ! ha ha. thanks for sharing this much-too-looooong poem with us. :) bri

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Geetha Jayakumar 29 December 2013

I don't think there is any good or bad poet. Pen down your poems freely with creative thoughts.

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Lyn Paul 25 December 2013

I believe it is not about good or bad it expressing emotions with creative words. Thank you Kanav

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Marvin Brato 24 December 2013

Good or bad poet....either ways has worth of some sort, what matters is it brings meaning to life which is imperfect!

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