A Big Competition Continues Always! Poem by Ramesh T A

A Big Competition Continues Always!

Rating: 5.0

Indirectly appreciating and directly pulling the leg
Friends in competition try to gain some moves ahead!
What a world it is full of competition always sans sense!
Perfection nobody bothers but finishing ahead all want!
Is it running, swimming, cycling or walking life always?
Life is real, natural and beautiful to enjoy and live here;
But race has microscopically diverted from telescopic view
And many wear eye glasses or contact lenses forever in life!
Without the glass or lens they cannot see anything anymore!
What have we gained at the expense of our health so far?
Nothing, simply noting have we gained but madness always!
Madness is the essence of modern world in all its pursuits!
Intelligence without wisdom makes all go in wrong routes
Whether it is business or politics, Science or Arts and all!

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 27 August 2009

What a world it is full of competition always sans sense! healthy competition is welcome but sans sennse is always deplorable... very good thought for us....i admire it.....10

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Ejaz Khan 26 August 2009

You're right, the competative societies have gone to extent of sickness and all advantages are gone. The overwhelming emphasis on competition has made us collculative, success oriented and most of all selfish, all we care is to reach the set goal, even if it means cheating or hurting others. Well penned and indicates awreness!

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Catrina Heart 26 August 2009

Without the glass or lens they cannot see anything anymore! What have we gained at the expense of our health so far? Nothing, simply noting have we gained but madness always! ---- at the expense of my health, my life was enrich...esteem was boost...respect was gained...love was polished! ! ! Intelligence without wisdom makes all go in wrong routes Whether it is business or politics, Science or Arts and all! -----true and well said its like sailing on a dessert without vision...a journey of fools, thus.10/10

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Ian Bowen 26 August 2009

Ramesh, the truth well told. Very profound piece of writing.10/10 Regards, Ian

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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