A Soldiers Journey Poem by Mark (Owen) Williams

A Soldiers Journey

When I was young I used to think the world was one great field of joy, full of love and high adventure running freely as a boy.
Then my father stopped and told me “You need a focus in your life”, my days of childhood lost forever, such words enflamed internal strife.
First cadets and then the army to see the world through different eyes, I received a rank, my shield of honour, was told that childhood’s full of lies.

“You need direction, a sense of purpose, a sense of honour – fulfil the plan.
It’s time you left this world of children, it’s time you start to be a man.”

You see great things in this great army, a righteous world, a history learned, knowledge, pride, such skills and honour, adventure waiting every turn.
They build you up and give you purpose, for your country – British pride, you build a bond that stays forever, one that feeds you; dignified….
All was fun and all was pleasure til they sent me off to war, to defend a people, save a country, my childhood torn on every shore.

“You need direction, a sense of purpose, a sense of honour – fulfil the plan.
It’s time you left this world of children, accept the dirt to be a man.”

My world transformed to one of sorrow, fear and hate became my way, was spat upon by Irish mothers destroyed my soul, a bleak decay.
Every day a strong reminder of the loathing deep inside, you’re so afraid you terrible softly and hope that death is on your side.
Bottles full of burning petrol explode like bombs they detonate and good friends die for no real reason, no time to stop and contemplate.

“You need direction, a sense of purpose, a sense of honour – fulfil the plan.
It’s time you left this world of children, you are the dirt you are a man.”

I cursed the Lord that made me human and thanked the devil for my gun, I shot a man he died before me and yet felt nothing for what I’d done.
The army changes all she welcomes, she hopes her pride will make amends, for the dirt that clings forever and stays with you – until the end.
They gave me medals and colour ribbons and said that what I did was right, but the nightmares still remind me – of the terror, of the fright.

“You need direction, a sense of purpose, a sense of honour – fulfil the plan.
It’s time you left this world of children, the price is hell my noble man.”

You try to cope, to smile more often, forget the past see nature’s joy, to make your soul a new creation and pray that boys will just stay boys.

A personal reflection of life as a soldier
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