As You Move On, I Fall Apart... Poem by Emily Reid

As You Move On, I Fall Apart...

I'm realizing that your moving on. I thought you would always want me. But, i know that i hurt you too many times and i can't except that. I know you care about me and i care about you a lot. I'm always jealous when you talk about other girls or how you want to be with them. I can't believe i let you go because now i want you more than ever. I miss you so much and i really do still love you. I know i was using you but i don't ever want to go that again. I feel like i need you with me right now. I just want to be in your arms. I had the chance to be with you and instead i got scared and let you go. I don't think that the feeling i was feeling was me not liking you. In fact i know that it was me just being scared of where we were going. I know that you'll never take me back now and that you are moving on. I found some one who loves me for me, in you. That's all i ever wanted and now your gone. I really hope that there is a chance for us again. I need to know that there is still hope for us. I really still love you and i need to know that you still love me too. You have always been so good to me and i'm so sorry for everything! You stuck by me through everything and even when you were mad, you forgave me for it all. I don't know if i ever said thankyou for that. I am so thankful for you though and i pray that we will be together again. That would almost be better than me finding some one new. I found the perfect person for me, in you. I'm sorry i let you go, i love you...

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