Behind Closed Eyes Poem by Priyanka Manjunath

Behind Closed Eyes

Rating: 5.0

If I was the huge yellow flower as I see in my closed eyes
Blooming, with a hundred and hundred huge petals outwards
Its stem is sunken root'wards how nice it would be.
I see a bird from the eyes within the flower
I see that the bird comes to me.
Of all the flowers with many petals around I am huge, yellow and bright
The others grow like burning kettles in light
Whistling the song of heat
I begin to sing to myself the song of spring for a bird that has come to greet.
I see the sun shine bright like no day before from the space between its feathers
As the sun lights its feathers
They glow like stars with funny colors
I see the bird comes towards me and rise delightfully
It pauses to block the sun into me
I glow in pride for the protective shade it gave
The bird flaps its wings fiercely sheds some petals in a fraction of seconds
I found scars on my huge petals that remained layered by my love
As I saw the bird shadow my growth into the whole wild world I sink into the backward
My eyes see no light therefore there is trace of no sight the growth had only begun
My petals begin to close inward as I sink backwards now the yellow is tainted with brown
I see no bird for worms are wriggling all around
I feel no feeling for the reason to feel is choked to death
I see I live in a state of death untouched by the world I desire above me
The world I desire above has made me the undesired and led me to an underworld
When my eyes are still close I now come to wonder why I ever let them close?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: feeling
As I pause for a moment to think this fool's day, I realize I was fooled by beauty like the huge yellow flower in my poem. The flower looked at a bird huge and beautiful like itself shining to stand apart. The flower never expected the bird to destroy the start of its blooming even before it was completely out into the world.
When I closed my eyes I could see this huge flower with many yellow petals opening and when I looked deeper into my imagination I found my eyes in the center of this flower.
As one grows to eternal glory the glorious cannot compete therefore they trample the best in the start and continue to shine gloriously for a life time while the other fails.
A morally correct path to glory is very rare to find but when found it is only after being victorious in fighting the vicious.
Akhtar Jawad 13 September 2014

The world I desire above has made me the undesired and led me to an underworld When my eyes are still close I now come to wonder why I ever let them close? A morally correct path to glory is very rare to find but when found it is only after being victorious in fighting the vicious. Nice thoughts painted in charming words.

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Gajanan Mishra 01 April 2014

with close eyes, good one, thanks.

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