Carefree Days Poem by Patricia Grantham

Carefree Days

Rating: 4.8

The seeds of love was already sown and slowly began to grow
We had to learn from each other is how we stayed in the know
Brothers and sisters were we, a special gift to one another
Growing up together as children with a loving father and mother

Hide and seek and playing tags was two of our favorite games
No time left for bullying or calling each other out their names
Rolling around an old worn tire with just a tiny piece of stick
Racing and trying to get ahead you had better be more than quick

We never had the time to say that our life was just a bore
Playtime we had were many other times we were given a chore
Climbing the many tall trees was only just a part of the fun
Lying in the thick broom grass face up to the shining sun

The neighbors who lived next to us was a part of our family
An extension of love and devotion is how our friends should be
We all lived in a community that always tried to stick together
In good times and bad times or in any kind of stormy weather

Winters fury finally came and the gusty cold winds began to blow
Ground was a blanket of white we slipped and slided in the snow
Blessings were plentiful we only had to reach out to receive
Were already placed there before us we just only had to believe

Copyright 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: children
This poem is dedicated to my parents and siblings. To the children:
Enjoy your childhood years, don't be in a hurry to grow up. You will
get old soon enough. Those years you can never regain only memories will still remain. With love to my family and to the members and visitors alike. Many thanks to all!
Gajanan Mishra 25 September 2013

seeds of love, good write, I like it. thanks.

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 28 September 2013

Wonderful are those childhood days. We never forget them. Older we get more precious they become. Way of life is we can't wait to get older when we are children. Beautiful poem Patricia. Thank you.

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Louis Rams 28 September 2013

electronics have taken over our children s beautiful minds, they won't know what it was to live in our time playing in piles of leaves in the fall and in the winter making igloos in the snow and staying at home just playing tic tac toe

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Valsa George 29 September 2013

An excursion back to childhood days is so gratifying and rejuvenating! I wonder children of the present can ever tell of any pastimes like climbing trees, playing hide and seek or lying over grass with face up! These are all enjoyments, young ones of a particular time had, irrespective of geograpical and cultural differences! Enjoyed this sweet write, Pat!

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Noreen Carden 29 September 2013

Hello Patrica memories of childhood thank you for this poem it brought me many lovely memories i feel sorry that many children nowadays dont get to experience the carefree days they grow up too quickly

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Amitava Sur 18 October 2013

Beautiful elaboration of pleasant childhood memory. I believe that is the best period of a painful human life.

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Nader Baheri 05 October 2013

this is very impressing.i love how the poem flows in very nice lines.~nb

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Danny Draper 04 October 2013

Great childhood memories shared in this write and celebration of parents. Sage advice regarding enjoying our childhoods although we never can appreciate that when young.

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 30 September 2013

I think childhood is the most memorable period that sting to thought and mind and the next period is adolescent which has both good and bad feeling childhood is as clear as mirror nice poem Patricia 10

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Neela Nath Das 30 September 2013

I love to remember my childhood days.Still, it shines brightly.

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Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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