Corporate Banker Robber Barons Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Corporate Banker Robber Barons

in this age when top notch corporate bankers
are esteemed admired instead of being recognized
for the despicable robber barons they in reality are
plundering national and foreign country reserves

then expecting a government bail out of their banks
to the tune of millions billions of tax payer dollars
it is perhaps refreshing to read Iran is executing four
of these corporate banker robber barons interesting

but in the west lying lawyers will defend these monsters
get them off on first class legal loophole technicalities
while hubristic beaming proud of their lying twisted webs
deceit rhetoric loopholes put their especially for elite escapes

did you not know lawyers cooked up this crooked rule book?

and the tax payer will foot the bill be left with even emptier pockets
more families will go bankrupt unemployed while these same banks
will shamelessly sell their house product of their entire life savings
to the highest bidder while honest hard working families are evicted

onto hard merciless streets forced into a life of crime sentenced
to prison while corporate bankers robbers skip off scot free again
these same corporate banker robber barons will celebrate parties
pop another champagne cork with their servile vile team lawyers

celebrate another white collar illegal crime deal while you their laughed
at honest middle class, working class, lower class victims are exploited
persecuted evicted and when banker lawyer greed team pitilessly throws
you out onto desolation streets in debt no government bailout shall come

you pay poor tax Starbucks pockets billions scot free pays no tax?

yes no government bailout shall come to rescue you because
your presidents prime ministers politicians do not care so what
do we think of Iran executing four caught extremely so greedy
lawyers exempt in civilized west from all prosecution jail terms

lawyers? What is the solution? Reminds of an old joke 'What
do you call 300 dead lawyers drowned at the bottom of the sea?
A good start? American poor wake up your bankers lawyers
politicians sold your dream stole your dream and when you wake

up realize homeland security was but a ploy to steal your rights
your property your dreams will it be too late? American honest
middle class working class lower class what are you going to do
about recovering your property your rights your stolen dream?

government debt austerity measures is but a plot to enslave you?

Complete version of the split images 'Top Notch Corporate Bankers Shot Down Victims', 'Who Bails Out Corporate Banker Robber Barons? ' and 'No Government Bail Out Shall Come To Rescue You? ' by Terence George Craddock.
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