During A Monsoon Summer Poem by Mark Heathcote

During A Monsoon Summer

During a monsoon summer
I welcomed your sunshine
Your yellow wavy hair and blue eyes
That transient sun shining gold
It was all I could do to swim back to you.

Like a fly on a windscreen
I was beyond living
But my heart kept on beating
And my wings kept visiting public bars
But I couldn't stop spinning and seeing stars.

I was transfixed-by-those sequins-
Around your hips.
And the way the wind swung in the treetops
Like the tails of koi fish
Guess - I couldn't walk away.

Not when swimming was the only way.
During a monsoon summer
Not while you were in charge of the driving
Not while you were the wilder one
And I was spent going to seed feeling alone.

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