Extra Single Poem by Randy McClave

Extra Single

There is a reason why I am single
And why for a relationship I don't mingle,
Yes, I had relationships in the past
And yes, they never did last.
I am single because I wanted for once to be first
I only wanted to quench my own thirst,
And I wanted to do, what I wanted to do
And not to ask anyone's permission, especially from you.
In the past I was cheated on of course
It broke my heart, so I sued for divorce
But, then one truth about me was known
I truly enjoy on being alone.
I enjoy going to where I want to go
And I enjoy going to watch my favorite show,
And I enjoy going out to eat
Never do I have to share my table or my seat.
And I enjoy the way that I dress
Never no one do I have to show up for or impress,
And never do I get in an argument or a fight
Just to prove that I am right.
No birthdays or anniversaries do I have to remember
Never no extra gifts do I have to buy in December,
Never do I ever have to ask anyone about their day
And never do I worry about my pay.
I can go to sleep anytime that I want to go to bed
To accidentally wake someone up there is no dread,
And I can sleep as late that I want to sleep
And I am never awakened by a single peep.
Another fact unto which I can proudly vouch
I have never been asked or told to sleep on the couch,
Being single is indeed the greatest life
As I still remember past relationships with worries and strife.
A happy single man, yes I truly and sincerely am
As they say I am as happy as a clam,
Yes! I was happy and jubilant for being single before
Now, I am happy and extra single more.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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