Forbidden Fruit Poem by Khairul Ahsan

Forbidden Fruit

Rating: 4.7

My Guru forbade me
To touch you, ever!
But I was allowed to
See you, talk to you,
Stand close to you,
Less any maneuver.

So did I do, got close to you
And talked my heart out.
Didn't touch you,
Though I wanted to,
As you kept smiling at me
All throughout.

My Guru forbade me
To come near you and
Stand close.
But he gave me an allowance
Of just a yard's distance,
From nose to nose.

I was still much happy
As I could communicate
Audibly and visually.
But my Guru was not willing
To allow a romance so thrilling
To go on indefinitely.

Finally, my Guru forbade me
To be in your proximity,
Even to see you from afar.
So in my dreams I started
Seeing you as I wanted,
With no Guru standing near.

Durmut, Melandaha
Jamalpur, Bangladesh.

02 February 2014
Copyright reserved.
Jasbir Chatterjee 08 February 2014

Khairul, I simply loved this poem...Forbidden things have an appeal of their own just because they are forbidden...

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Valsa George 09 February 2014

Your Guru may be a projection of your own conscience! Our culture attaches a lot of sanctity to man - woman relationships! Our instincts tell us to indulge in many things, but such wild whims should be checked by our own conscience conditioned by the values we have imbibed through years from our parents and gurus. If a Guru intervenes and puts restrictions, the younger generation, I am sure will phoo phoo over it! ! The last stanza beats it all... when the restrictions exceed limit, the mind finds its own mechanism to indulge in all that is forbidden..... Enjoyed this really humorous write and the title is very apt

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 14 February 2014

in the privacy of our own mind, we are eligible to do whatever we like and no witnesses are needed to stone us for our inappropriate thinking...Luckily our religious verses were not written by a psychologist or a psychiatrist or a mind reader..

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Neela Nath Das 15 February 2014

Finally, my Guru forbade me To be in your proximity, Even to see you from afar. So in my dreams I started Seeing you as I wanted, With no Guru standing near. - - - - - -Nice lines.

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Geetha Jayakumar 03 February 2014

Fantastic poem, but a humorous one too. Though this poem looks humorous, it has a in-depth meaning. My Guru can be taken as ones inner feelings. Initially Guru or my inner thoughts draw a line...but as the time went on, the person feelings changes. I think it this way....Comments can vary from person to person. I really loved the way you presented it.

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Khairul Ahsan 19 March 2014

@Violet Winters I really liked your thoughtful words, so beautifully spoken! I am glad to know you liked my poem. I am truly inspired.

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Violet Winters 19 March 2014

Now, this I really liked! Benign defiance... always better to ask forgiveness than permission and love is always a forgiveable offense.

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Khairul Ahsan 24 February 2014

@ Amitava Sur Thank you very much for reading my poem and sharing your thoughts. Yes, grooming is very important in one's life. You've rightly said so.

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Amitava Sur 24 February 2014

A nice penning expressing the state of conscience. Khairul - personally I believe... that person is fortunate enough who is properly groomed. This grooming itself guides a person to build his/her conscience. Ultimately...... you are the Lord, you are the slave of you yourself

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Khairul Ahsan 22 February 2014

@Lorraine Colon, Thanks for reading my poem. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thanks for interpreting the poem so aptly.

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