Fully Engrossed Poem by Nikhil Parekh

Fully Engrossed

While both my eyes were busy seeking possibilities to survive in this mercenary world; discerning the good and bad scattered overwhelmingly around,
Infinite eyes of his were fully engrossed in protecting me even from the tiniest of shadow of evil; seeing to it that I existed in perpetual happiness.

While both my hands were busy building a house for me and my beloved to live; fetching bricks; and vigorously molding a mountain of cement and stone,
Infinite hands of his were fully engrossed protecting our dwelling from unrelenting storm and rain; blessing us with the prowess of evolving several more like us in mankind.

While both my feet were busy conquering territories; running unfathomable distances to explore the entire globe and discover,
Infinite feet of his were fully engrossed in wading off all the impediments that I might perniciously confront in my expedition; impregnating loads of strength and conviction in every step I take.

While both my ears were busy in deciphering the enigmatic tunes of this commercial continent; trying to reach out to the sounds of victory and unprecedented prosperity,
Infinite ears of his were fully engrossed in sequestering me from morbid voices of the corpse; ensuring that I heard nothing else but incessant rhymes from the heaven, while marching at lightening speeds towards my goal.

While both my fingers were busy in composing poetry; metamorphosing every dream of mine into embossed reality; capturing the beauty of the entire cosmos in each of my minuscule alphabets,
Infinite fingers of his were fully engrossed in stirring the chords of my imagination; profoundly triggering my mind to envisage what no one else could have ever thought about or conceived on this earth.

While both my shoulders were busy in bearing the weight of my mother; carrying her inexorably over the treacherous sea's as she had relinquished all power to walk,
Infinite shoulders of his were fully engrossed urging me to unceasingly surge forward; making me emerge successful in my mission of saving both of our lives; more importantly take my mother to a place where she could blissfully meditate.

While both my lips were busy announcing to the world my right to live; my unstinted belief in passionate love and harmonious peace,
Infinite lips of his were fully engrossed in silencing my critics; pacifying my unruly adversaries with the omnipotent power of his speech.

While both my nostrils were busy inhaling indispensable amounts of air; facilitating me to dance merrily and with uninhibited abandon; embracing all human kind,
Infinite nostrils of his were fully engrossed in evolving all the moisture I required to live; flooding each aspect of my life with the scent of invincible happiness.

And while both my heart and soul were busy in pursuing their unending reservoir of dreams; throbbed fervently for the person they adored and loved,
Infinite hearts of the creator were fully engrossed in imparting me with vivacious beats; instilling the very element of existence that propelled me to be the way I am; fomenting me to imagine to stupendous limits; and stand unflinching to encounter any individual on this planet with all the Herculean power; I possessed today.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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