Gravely Oppose Bush Obama Imposed Poverty Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Gravely Oppose Bush Obama Imposed Poverty

honest Abe Lincoln born in a one-room log cabin;
on the Sinking Spring Farm in Hardin County
Kentucky inspired by a Separate Baptists church;

was a self-educated man of high moral standards;
opposed to the monstrous injustice of slavery
Abraham lead his people nation to a moral victory;

Abe upheld the ideals values of the Founding Fathers;
Abe insisted that God said all men are created equal
Abe successfully led his country through its greatest;

constitutional, military and moral crisis Civil War;
at the Gettysburg Address Abe declared the nation
was conceived in Liberty and men are created equal;

James Madison hailed as 'Father of the Constitution'
instrumental in drafting the United States Constitution
champion author of the United States Bill of Rights;

fought for constitutional guarantees for religious liberty;
infused religious freedom into Constitution and Bill of Rights
hyenas centuries later striped religion from US schools;

born in an age when rich whites owned hundreds of slaves;
Madison's slave Paul Jennings later wrote Madison
never personally struck a slave nor permitted his overseers;

to strike slaves, Jennings wrote if a slave misbehaved;
'Madison would meet with the person privately
to try to talk about the behavior' to resolve spur issues;

the moral lesson here is might proves not who is right;
might proves merely who is strongest with biggest stick
if pen be mightier than the sword what lesson is learned?

Madison's writings are still import perspective studied;
weighted measured for their debate over human rights
among different classes of citizens in the 21st century;

the anticipated danger of a strong majority;
imposing its will on a weaker minority
by popular vote can be an attack on liberty;

study Madison in 'The Federalist Papers' No.51
'It is of great importance in a republic not
only to guard the society against the oppression

of its rulers, but to guard one part of the society
against the injustice of the other part... In a society
under the forms of which the stronger faction can

readily unite and oppress the weaker, anarchy
may as truly be said to reign as in a state
of nature, where the weaker individual is not

secured against the violence of the stronger.'
When America embraces the truth greatness
of her own heritage emancipation of poverty;

infesting contemporary America may be eradicated?
When will Modern America stop voting rich spoilt
brats into office liars faking policy into presidency?

Did not James Madison leave fame US presidency;
a legacy poorer man than when he honest entered
due to serving needs of a nation instead of own needs?

Paul Jennings quotation from ‘A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison.
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
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