I Have A Strong Sympathy And A Great Respect Poem by Hebert Logerie

I Have A Strong Sympathy And A Great Respect

I have a great sympathy for the caged bird
Who would like to lean on the wings of the clouds
I'm sorry for this little guy who dreams
And who suffers night and day. The sun is rising
And brings him hollow, wacky, and empty hopes
I'm sorry for this brave and timid bird
Who wants to fly in the clouds
I have a strong sympathy for the caged bird.

The bird tries to beat its bruised wings, alas!
He makes furtive efforts. He's like the shark in the trap
Who is swimming and fighting to get out of this fateful situation
It's the little Negro who plows in the labyrinth of the Americas
Listen carefully to the humming of his cries and miseries
At night, he can barely breathe, rest, and close his eyelids
He is hungry, thirsty, enervated, and tired of struggling with the life
Of this society which is full of insomnia, injustice and ignominy.

The bird is too weak to sing the songs of yesterday
Despite all the vicissitudes, he remains courageous and proud
The bird cries its misfortunes, its desires for exile
Forcibly, he wants to flee for refuge under another sky
The little Negro regains his strength slowly and gradually
One day, he will undoubtedly cross the vaults like a kite
To settle properly on the velvety carpet of the clouds
Comrades, I have a lot of respect for this bird once caged.

P.S. This poem is dedicated to Paul Dunbar, Dr. Maya Angelou and the brave of our world.

Copyright © May 2018, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved

Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: bird,respect,sympathy
Kumarmani Mahakul 08 May 2018

I'm sorry for this brave and timid bird Who wants to fly in the clouds I have a strong sympathy for the caged bird.......so touching. I too have strong sympathy for the caged bird. Birds want to soar freely in the vast sky but what do we do? A cage for them! A beautiful philosophical poem presented through a bird astutely.10

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