Infiltration Of Rss Into Secondary Education In India Poem by Rajendran Muthiah

Infiltration Of Rss Into Secondary Education In India

The sons and daughters of the influential castes
swotted up ‘colonial’English and went off for jobs.
When the poor crawl up to reach the peak of life,
NCTE nails them up by a two-years-course of B.Ed
to learn the rotten, obsolete rudiments of Sanskrit.
The graduates of the tillers who want to be teachers
need to pay the fees and pee in colleges for two years.
Will the learning of‘Panini’or‘Kamta Prasad’help our teachers
to train their students in future to crack IELTS?
What these grammarians have to enrich the brains
of teacher-trainees who aspire to master ‘English’?
The strategy of ‘Multilingualism’ in teaching English
has the danger of weakening the skill in ‘Spoken English’.

The CBSE system is a fraud on the people of Bharath
to decimate the growth of our indegeneous tongues.
The decoys of RSS sing paeans to Hindi to cheat the mass
and garner votes, and they are hand in glove with fanatics
to Sanskritise the whole of Hindi in a few years.
Students in CBSE learn their tongues upto Tenth Class.
The CBSE schools employ half-baked teachers to teach
Mother Tongues to spoil the expression of students.
The CBSE winks its eyes to see such things.
No one from CBSE will be a writer or orator in his tongue.
But CBSE helps rich bureaucrats to spend some lakhs
to train their children for getting into IIT.

The fate of the Schools of music, art and dance,
God alone knows, if these arts are taught as subjects
in two-years B.Ed programme of NCTE.
When teachers trained in these traditional schools of arts
remain unemployed for decades and do odd jobs
to help themselves and their families,
why they impose those arts in B.ED?
B.Ed was conceived to train the graduates and post graduates
in teaching a language and their specialized subject
and to be aware of the bits of things in other arts.
When the Chinese and the Japanese pass time
in making electronic toys and gadgets,
NCTE has found a two-years course to teach puppetry
to the brains which pierced through the ‘Quantum Mechanics’.

The Matric Schools in States switch over to CBSE pattern
as the collection of fees is unchecked and the officers
don’t panic them with unfounded demands.
‘Service through Education’, no business-man has.
The ‘Founder’ of a Matric School today has dreams
to be the Chairman of a ‘ University’ tomorrow.
The government should permit a society of persons
to start schools and not individuals to do business.
The seat of Ministry of Education headed by luminaries
has got insulted under the present government.
The ideologues of RSS dictate terms to cremate
the Indian tongues with all their inherited diction.
When the termites eat into our wooden materials,
what you the backward and suppressed people do?
Take up brooms and slippers to clean our nation.

NCTE-National Council of Teacher Education in India. CBSE- Central Board of Secondary Education. These bodies of Government of India serve the causes of elites in society and those who are in All India Service but destroy the growth of Indian languages.
Rajendran Muthiah

Rajendran Muthiah

Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India.
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