Let Us Wait For Nature's Bliss Again! Poem by Ramesh T A

Let Us Wait For Nature's Bliss Again!

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Once upon a time, sparrows were chirping all over our house in the main street;
After the slumbering town turned into busy tourist centre with full of traffic
No one believe the old French town will be only covered with crows and squirrels;
Sparrow birds are replaced by little squirrels who all day long play around the house¬

Due to climate change by pollution, storms lash out, heavy rains flood and hottest days go on;
People seeking relief from havoc from Nature now think of it and pray to it for mercy;
Instead of Sunrise or Moon-rise, dark rain clouds block them even for worshiping;
Such a wrath of Nature is seen through natural disasters often nowadays!

What is the redemption? All think about it and agree the wrongs done by us to Nature;
Maintaining cleanliness of air, water and environment has to be taken up on war footings;
Natural resources must be ever recycled for maintaining Nature's old glory by all means;
These are the routine all cannot forget to see the look of paradise to our Earth!

Unless Nature is pacified, the woken up sleeping giant will not stop making havoc;
Let us enjoy the peaceful hills and green meadows again in muse to enjoy bliss!

Natural resources must be ever recycled for maintaining Nature's old glory by all means; These are the routine all cannot forget to see the look of paradise to our Earth!
M. Asim Nehal 01 July 2023

Wonderful poem. Natural resources must be ever recycled for maintaining Nature's old glory by all means;

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Ramesh T A 30 June 2023

Unless Nature is pacified, the woken up sleeping giant will not stop making havoc; Let us enjoy the peaceful hills and green meadows again in muse to enjoy bliss!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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