Love Is... Poem by Julius Victorio

Love Is...

The sweet and tender whispers of a girls’ heart
Oh sometimes how they call to me
Like the sirens of a mythic sea creature

They flavour my meal when I’m hungry
Like salt –

I’m encouraged to heat up the mood before devouring loves’ sweet texture…
Or is this just my fleshly pleasure?

Filthy is the mind of man – or the mind of some

Touch is not required to understand love – sight, hearing, smell, all five senses are not needed to experience the ever mysterious and all known fact of – love

I have pieced love together – yes, like shattered pieces of a mirror.
But oh mirror, mirror on my wall
I now understand why you were on my floor
broken because when others looked they never saw
what they saught to find…

It is still a mystery to me however
What is this search for love?
This feeling – this action – this… precious treasure…

I have become a beast searching for prey
A lone pirate looking to steal what he can for his own benefit
But love ceases to be once you try to grab a hold of it
It's like a changing substance that only allows you to take hold of it once you find the truth of it... but that is it's mystery

It is like the substance - H20
Freeze it, and it may crush you underneath
Let the water be poured and it may drown you
Boil till steam point and you'll never be able to grasp it at all

Once again, I babble on... babble about sacred things, not understood without putting the essential ingredient to every picture - God - Jesus Christ - the Holy Spirit - call it what you may, but He is what makes it all understandable...

The intercourse of a man and a woman cannot be explained by science. It is a sacred and holy thing, purposed only for Holy Matrimony.

But still I fathom... what is love? ...

Julius Victorio

Julius Victorio

North Middlesex Hospital
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