Miss You Tonight Poem by Louise Tredoux

Miss You Tonight

I miss you tonight, you know I do, now it
is dark, tomorrow is creeping up like a thief
in the dark, father preached his sermon today,
I was in church, you were not, I felt guilty about
everything, but mostly I felt lonely without you,
your kiss and your touch, your reassurance that
fear is should be gone, you will help me when I
can’t meet the life that I have to lead, I waited for
a note – a note that didn’t come, I dreamt about
you, fantasized in church, day-dreams that gave
birth to fleeting moments of ecstasy, I dreamt
that we would meet again today, I dreamt that
you would make me yours, but on this Sunday,
on this holy day, you did not appear, no note,
nothing to calm my fear, I thought you were
near, then I learnt where you went, it was a
blow, so tonight I shall do as I am bid, go to
church, evening service, then buoy my own
spirits by dreaming about you, dreaming up
a scene in which we are one, freed from the
burden of guilt and despair, freed from this
reality and free at last to share the feelings
that fill our hearts every day…
In my fantasy you came to me on the beach
and we raced through the sand before falling
down and then we kissed, and when passion
flamed up we followed it’s flame instead of
extinguishing it as we have done forever
before… and I am becalmed in the
pleasure of my mind…

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