My Very Own Queen Of Hearts Poem by Mark Heathcote

My Very Own Queen Of Hearts

So you want to kiss the sun and stars.
And break a thousand lovers' hearts.
Shuffle them as if they were a deck of cards.
And you were their only queen of hearts.

But it's a pleasant surprise, which sustains
Even now my eyes, whenever I see you alone.
It's as if the universe held all the aces
And you were made of acid rain sandstone.

So you're rude, corrosive, and even one day
Even you'll need a facelift to fix that double-over frowning.
So the mirror says you're beautiful and infectious.
But wasn't it he who hid hiding?
A dishonest misdemeanour—telling -yeah
The world and all the souls of the world loved you.

So you want to kiss the sun and stars.
And break a thousand more lovers' hearts.
Shuffle them as if they were a deck of cards.
And you were their only queen of hearts.

But baby, isn't it time, all those young men?
Who lost their poor minds?
Saw through your nail-polished lacquered lies,

So you're rude and corrupt, but I've
Still -got time for you, baby, when you're alone.
Because I'm as shallow as are -you!
And of course, you are still, oh so, beautiful.

So shuffle our futures.
Shuffle them as if they were a deck of cards.
And you were my only queen of hearts.
My very own queen of hearts.

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Gajanan Mishra 11 April 2013

my very own queen of hearts. good one.

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