Nostalgia Poem by Joseph Anderson


Rating: 4.7

I sit on my back porch and hear
Those lonesome turtle doves.
Sweet memories ever flood my mind,
Of long lost dreams and loves.

Country born and country reared,
I walked those cedared hills;
With moon as guide, I oft would hear
Those hooting owls and whippor-wills.

We hoed the corn and milked the cows,
Twas work most all the time;
We ate those ripe tomatoes,
Just picked from off the vine.

We fished and swam the streams and ponds,
Whenever chores were through;
With crops afield and animals,
Those moments were to few.

Our home was plain and simple,
It had no modern frills.
It was a haven to us all,
Set amid those pleasant hills.

Nostalgia grips us all at times.
These were my youthful loves;
Perhaps, some day, I shall return;
Do you hear those lonesome doves?

Michele Kostelnik Parrillo 09 February 2011

Absolutely beautiful. I am a 66 year old woman living in R.I. You make your home as a younger person sound wonderful and peaceful at night. Your porch must be or have been a great place. I have always dreamed of the days when I was a teenager on my front porch. It was similar in feelings but I lived on the bay of Narragansett - so I would hear the sea gulls and waves softly hit the sand. Sometimes I heard the fog horn far away. How we get Nostalgic in our older years. Very good sentimental scene. Michele Kostelnik Parrillo

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G Sweeney 09 April 2011

this is the kind of poem I love so rich and close to the heart...lovely

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Adeline Foster 13 October 2011

Sure did enjoy this bouquet of nostalgia. All of us have a favorite bird that was part of our youth. Even the Doves would appreciate this one. You may also like mine – I Cannot Return – Adeline PS. You may have meant, “too few”.

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Jak Black 18 January 2016

Another great write. Love the rhyming and rhythm. An enjoyable read bringing back memories for me.

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Patricia Grantham 05 June 2015

Very nostalgic and inspirational. I can relate to this very much as I was born in the country. Very relaxing'

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Valsa George 24 August 2012

What similar rustic backgrounds we both had and how similar we are in our feelings of nostalgia! I just love this poem and live through every line of it! ! I can visualize that serene country side close to the hill of cedar trees! Thank you sir for this beautiful share!

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Robert Beck 03 August 2012

Joseph you wisp us away to the home of your love.

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Walterrean Salley 06 May 2012

Dearest Joseph, I had to smile a sigh. This is one of the most beautiful poems ever. So full of longing. Its elements are so easy to relate to. I’m sure I’ll be reading it for times to come. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Whomever voted less than a ”10” perhaps doesn’t know a good poem when they see one.

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