Old Friend Poem by Pat Kunisch

Old Friend

Do you remember yesterday’s morn -
when the air smelled sweet
and the sun rose high
in a deep blue sky above?
We rolled in lush green grass
staring up and counted passing clouds,
as we spent the time of lazy
summer afternoons.

Do you remember the simple games we played -
unconfused by technology?
We used our hearts, imagination and minds
to express the concepts of our complex dreams.
We gathered in groups and argued with those
who wouldn’t follow the rules.
Winners took the prize,
losers, the challenge to try better next time.

Do you remember the days at school -
how we competed for the highest grade?
We talked on the phone for hours at night,
debating our homework for understanding.
Remember the names we had for some teachers –
“Old Hawkeye”, with her piercing black eyes;
“Yardstick Fury”, Mr. A…..;
“The Warden”, who kept us on the narrow and straight?

Do you remember the long Sunday walks?
We waved at all cars buzzing by,
for miles down the highway along the river.
Our cheeks glowed in the fresh crisp air.
We strolled with portable radio in hand,
singing and bouncing to the latest songs.
We laughed and giggled to silly lyrics,
while we shared our thoughts without a care.

Do you remember the worries of our youth?
Who was the prettiest, smartest, the nicest?
What would we be when we grew up?
Who would marry and have children?
Who would travel to see the world?
Who would be famous, who would be rich?
We promised each other to stay in touch always,
and someday compare the fruits of our goals.

Those days have left us and we have lost touch.
Somehow we forgot our promise.
We moved and traveled down different roads
from the ones we once thought we would.
Our lives have changed and so has the world
from the one we knew before.
BUT - has our foundation not seen us through?
I think of you often….wherever you are….

Edwin Empestan (alba) 13 January 2009

Very nice and lovely poem. Friends come and go but the memories linger on. But don't cut that 'friendships' you can always look for them and continue that genuine frienships thru vast 'search engines'. Today the world becomes so small. Just be patient! ! ! Best regards and hope to read more of your poems.

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