Simple Verse.23. Beggars - All Poem by Valsa George

Simple Verse.23. Beggars - All

Rating: 5.0

‘Who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered’
- George Meredith

In the solemn silence of the cathedral
Close to the sanctum sanctorum
Away from the din of the world
I sat in prayer for hours

In deep adoration as I sat with eyes closed
Envisioning Him at the inmost shrine of my heart
I sensed His living touch all over my body
The one without form lifted me in His arms

Like a child clinging to a caring father
I opened my heart before Him
Placed my life’s burdens at His feet
Asked for gifts my frail hands could hold!

Coming out, relieved and enriched,
At the gate I was greeted by a beggar
Dressed in rags, his hair lay wildly matted
With sores in his body, he looked a piteous sight

In his outstretched hands was a begging bowl
His lips were pleading in silence
From my bounty, I gave him something
And saw the glitter in his hazy eyes

Can I ever discriminate him
When we both do the same thing
While he begs before me outside the shrine
I beg before the Lord inside the shrine!

Thursday, July 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Tirupathi Chandrupatla 30 July 2015

There is no differences between individuals. Differences are all created by man. Beautifully simple and simply beautiful poem.

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Kavya . 30 July 2015

truly amazing words - we all are beggars in some way or other - bow before Thy God and seek his blessings inside the shrine - outside the shrine a beggar begs and earns money with the Almightys blessings.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 30 July 2015

Hats off. Self realization is the best education and your poem has displayed that the real(spiritual) education has been amply achieved by you. Our mythology calls it Search of the real self.(Ko aham- Who am I) . Ratnakar Mandlik

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Kumarmani Mahakul 30 July 2015

Can I ever discriminate him When we both do the same thing While he begs before me outside the shrine I beg before the Lord inside the shrine! ...... yes, there is no difference between individuals. We are all beggars in front og God. So nicely envisioned and aptly presented. Best phraseology. Thanks for sharing such intensive poem. .....10

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Ayman Parray 02 August 2015

Spiritual and universal, this verse is a calling to all who seek the righteous path. With your words you have embedded true humility in my heart and shown me that with humbleness I should pray to God. Everyone deserves respect without bias no matter their station as in the end we truly are 'Beggars All'.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 23 June 2020

What a wonderful poem. A poem of kindness, empathy and deep faith in God. It conveys a powerful message that we are all equal. A heartwarming write that touches the heart. Excellent poem.Beautifully conveyed and crafted. Onto my Poem List.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 July 2018

Can I ever discriminate him When we both do the same thing While he begs before me outside the shrine I beg before the Lord inside the shrine! moving and here is the essence of the poem. A brilliant poem is shared here astutely.10

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Hazel Durham 08 August 2015

We are all the same just different situations, we all need to be loved and we need God's mercy to wash away our sins, to belong to God is to live life with joy in our hearts! Superb write!

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Madathil Rajendran Nair 05 August 2015

Inside or outside, there is God. You prayed to the formless inside the shrine and placed your wants before Him. The beggar prayed to the one in form, you. To him, the giver of alms is God personified. We can't move about bumping into the God every second of our life wherever we are. Beautiful poem. (10)

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Rajkamal P.j 04 August 2015

The last verse is really fantastic..The inward and outward eyes are nondiscriminatory! !

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