Struggling Through. Poem by Fay Slimm

Struggling Through.

Rating: 5.0

When life seems to blunder into disorder
And rips all our sense of proportion asunder,
Discontented confusion reigns high on agenda.
We muddle on through then - we do not go under.!

Discordant with jumble the days mesh together,
Sometimes with chaos we feel out of control.
When life's perplexities become too rife, it's
Good to remember to smile, and stay whole.!

Flustering muddle can only make headway when
Escape to more peaceful existence seems dead.
Abstract distractions will only bewilder us
If we give in to them - so we take stock instead.!

We struggle along until life starts unknotting
Dark problems we thought would forever be tied.
With bold persistence stress unravels it's hold
And leaves us the victor, self-respect satisfied.!

Fiona Davidson 14 November 2008

A good descriptive piece Fay...disorder always takes it's time to become this one...thank you...

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Susan Jarvis 28 October 2008

The sense of speed and disorder in this poem belies its rational message. Fay, you have a special way with words. A therapeutic piece. S :)

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Tom Balch 16 October 2008

We all muddle through some times, but its time that it needs.10 from Tom, well penned Fay

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 16 October 2008

Life can be like that some times like you say so well, we muddle our way through... andrew 10

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Fay Slimm

Fay Slimm

in Cornwall U.K.
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