The Dragon Of The Black Rose... Poem by DEEP DARK SOUL POET

The Dragon Of The Black Rose...

One night, through a dark and blacked forest I did stumble
Surrounded by just as dangerous swampland I did fumble
When I came upon a starlit clearing, open and exposed
And there, in the dappled light, I saw a shiny black rose….

Perfect in every single way, surrounded by stinging nettles
Without even a blotch or blemish on her dark black petals
Nary a sharpened thorn looking out of place, all was in order
Nor a single leaf bent, all were neat and full to the border

Then a trickle of crystal tears started to leak from a petal
The rose bled such sorrow as I watched, shiny as metal
And so my heart bleeds for the love of this rose so dark
As I stare into her dark eyes, I utter a lonely lovers hark

Then befittingly my legs did fail, I fall to my knees and cry
And cry out I did, mortal tears of pain or sorrow, I don’t deny
But these are tears of healing, made of lightening and storms..
And as I weep out my love, before me the rose transforms…

In front of me stands, in all epic dark and leathery glory
A dragon of strength and might, within her a heartfelt story
Of how the rose was fragile and weak in its lower form
Yet the mighty dragon was as the rose, amid a spiny swarm

Then, from the tree line a sudden crackle snapped the silence
And the still cold air was broken with an arrow shot in defiance
But I never saw the hidden archer or his reason for such ill
And thus the tragic end was slow, buried deep up to the quill

The dragon dropped and then shed a single silent black rose
As I lay dying in a pool of blood where the stinging nettle grows
The dragon wailed and then beckoned to the silver moon above
To Luna, in some ancient words she sang, a language of love

The moon peered down in sadness, and a wish for me granted
Painfully I feel my deadly wound healing, like I was enchanted
My form evolves, skin becomes hard and each leather wing grows
My final dying wish as I was fading, was to be a dragon of the rose

As my final transformation ends, I shed one more silent flower
A gift of gratitude, a rose for my savior dragon’s magic power
The dragon that I loved from the start, and has empowered me
And with the gift from the moon, this dragon’s love I now see

So into the darkened forest we now fly, to the garden of roses
We find the first black bloom, and the memories it imposes
The one rose shed, that saved me from my earthly departure
Crimson black, stained with blood from the arrow of the archer

Love is a place that will take away even a dragon’s breath
A feeling that grew in the dark, as dark as the night of my death
The death of the man I used to be, gaunt with a solemnly face
And proudly I stand tall, as I am no longer of species or race

For now, I am a dragon of the black rose, dignified and dark
As black as the one I love, so powerful, so beautifully stark
Forever in the darkened forest, and skyward our passion is bound
As forever will be this love for the single black rose that I found…

Deep Dark Soul

The Dragon Of The Black Rose...
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