The Lost Confidence Poem by Akhtar Jawad

The Lost Confidence

Rating: 5.0

On the footsteps of Saint Mother Teresa,
I saw her walking on the sands of deserts,
She is daughter of a poet,
She can think, she can feel,
And she thinks and feels,
The sand that is hot in the burning sun,
And cooled down in the pleasant moonlights,
Like a desert she loses her temper,
When the sun irritates her thirsty soul,
Like a moon she is quickly cooled down,
I see blisters of her feet
and I see a smile on her face,
the smile I saw on the face of Lady Diana.
She has lost confidence in all humans,
Still she loves children, she loves animals,
No surprise children are angels,
Not humans like us,
And animals don’t deceive those,
Who love them and give food to them,
When she gives gifts to the sweet children,
She looks like a Santa in desert,
When she gives food to hungry animals,
I see a divine peace on her innocent face,
She appears a Mother Teresa smiling!
Smiling like the graceful Lady Diana!
I wish someone could restore
her lost confidence!

Sunday, March 1, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: confidence
Farhan Mirza 09 June 2015

This is also very good poem.

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Sarmad Mirza 03 March 2015

sumtyms confidence matter more than ur knowledge! !

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Khalid Saifullah 01 March 2015

The confidence once lost is difficult to be restored but not impossible. A beautiful description of shattered confidence that has changed the shape of love............................10

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