Time Knows Time Poem by Tirupathi Chandrupatla

Time Knows Time

Rating: 4.7

Time flows
Like the perennial river
Time rides the crest
Of a wave in the sea
Time's space
Its fourth dimension
Time's elastic
Keeps on bouncing
Time's a sponge
Absorbs all spills
Time sleeps
Time wakes up
Time walks
Time runs
Time races
Time stands still
Time flies fast
Time has past
Time has future
Time never stays in the present
Time creeps
Time ticks
Time tricks
Sometimes good
Sometimes bad
Time's night
Time's day
Time's dark
Time's bright
Time's heavy
Time's light
Time's easy
Time's hard
Time blinks like eye
Time beats like heart
Time makes
Yoktosecond large
Time turns
Exasecond too small
Time lets one fall
Time makes one rise
Time's magic
Time brings one to life
From nowhere
Time makes one vanish
In an instant
Time's all
That we know
Time's everything else
That we don't.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: time
Indira Babbellapati 21 June 2013

every blink every breath in the eyes of the overseer-time!

3 3 Reply
Wahab Abdul 23 June 2013

very catchy write, time knows time.. wonderful...

3 3 Reply
Farah Ilyas 28 June 2013

So true..time knows time better..great indeed

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Heather Wilkins 23 August 2013

time know time and no one else does. time waits for no one. good write

3 2 Reply
Valsa George 20 June 2013

Time runs and gallops and nosedives into eternity! None can keep pace with it! None can hold it back to stay! ! Time is timeless! Let us ride on the crest of time! ! Enjoyed! !

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Kumarmani Mahakul 27 August 2024

Time flows Like the perennial river Time rides the crest Of a wave in the sea....nice beginning. Beautiful poem. Visited time and again.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 20 December 2022

Time's all That we know Time's everything else That we don't....so true. A beautiful poem is well executed. Thanks for sharing. Full stars.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 22 August 2022

A precious poem expressed in most simple way. Appreciated this wonderful poem. Top score and to my favourite.

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Mark Heathcote 26 May 2022

So much time and yet we never seem to have enough. Nice one!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 20 May 2022

Very beautifully composed. Five stars Thanks for sharing.

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