Unknown Author, There Are The Gaps In Life.. - Translation (Rus.) Poem by Lyudmila Purgina

Unknown Author, There Are The Gaps In Life.. - Translation (Rus.)

There are the gaps in life, and lasting,
In order to look backwards in that moment...
To stop, to think, where we were hasting,
Where from we came, what we forgot...

Who loved us, whom we loved, as ever...
Who once forgived us, who was let off...
Whom we were parted with, what stay with...
And look from other side where on...

Who was..., but who dared be an image...
Who was a guilty one, who hadn't that crime...
Don't have a sorry about your weakness,
Let's make all 'round you and yourself fine...

All's not in vain... all's not for nothing...
You can't guess anything in life...
Your way is long, the truth is common -
One place you'd lost... the other - 'll find...

You'll cease to love... and burn in loving...
That will be noon, ... that will be night...
And will be darkness... will be a dawn light...
Then let the losses don't confuse much:

When somebody a vessel wants to brim,
Before a work he needs to empty it.

Sunday, September 14, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love and pain
Lyudmila Purgina

Lyudmila Purgina

Russian Federation
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